Bingham Angus
Bingham Angus
Miss Broadback 710 of 420 pictured along with 2 of her 3 son's that we've used back in our herd.
Birth Ratio:9 @ 100
Weaning Ratio: 9 @ 107
BAR Widebacked Jack 710
Sire: KCF Bennett Performer
Dam: Miss Broadback 710 of 420
Birth Weight 80 @107 ratio
ADJ 205 day weight 835 lb
B A R Double Jack 710
Sire: BAR Widebacked Jack 710
Dam: Miss Broadback 710 of 420
ADJ 205 @ 726 103 Ratio
Birth Weight: 65 @ 83 Ratio
Our family has been in the Registered Black Angus business since 1969. In that time we've seen all sorts of fads come and go. A lot of them have been to the detriment of the commercial man's bottom line. Breeding selection for any extreme without taking into account genetic antagonisms will inevitably result in failure in another area. A couple of examples of genetic antagonisms are extreme growth to maternal function, or the fact that selection for low birth weight can result in Small pelvised heifers that have difficulty calving. Cattle breeding is forever a balancing act.
Over the years our bulls have won some acclaim at bull tests. We even won the champion pen of three at Midland once upon a time. While I still enjoy that sort of thing and realize the importance of feedlot performance, my main goal is to sell bulls that will leave daughters that will stand the test of time and keep their owners in business.
Founded in 1969
Each generation stands on the shoulders of the one that went before and so it is with my parents and myself. They were children of the Great Depression who grew up to help save the world during the dark days of World War II. They worked hard, scrimped and saved their entire lives even after the necessity was gone because it was how they were used to living.
Because of their sacrifice I find myself in a situation of relitive ease. It makes me nervous because they say that it's the softer generation that ends up loosing the farm. Mom and Dad I hope we never let you down.
Lloyd, Patricia, Kimberly, Ashley, and Rachel Bingham.
Charlie, Bailey and Jake
1723 W 10000 N
Neola, Utah
Lloyd's Cell: 435-724-2127
Charlie's Cell: 435-622-6536