Bingham Angus Ranch
Est. 1969
Lloyd Bingham 1-435-724-2127 or Charlie Bingham 1-435-823-4458
Est. 1969
Lloyd Bingham 1-435-724-2127 or Charlie Bingham 1-435-823-4458
Here are a couple of the bulls we will be selling on March the 10th @ the Basin Bull Sale, along with their dams. We feel it's important to look at a potential herd bull's mother because their daughter will be effecting your bottom line for many years to come!
Lot# 4448 Tag# 710
BD: 2/11/17
Sire: Papa Universe
BW: 84
ADJ 205: 716
Lot# 4406 Tag# 301
BD: 2/21/17
Sire: BAR Wide Backed Jack 710
BW: 60
ADJ 205: 671
To see a copy of the Basin Bull Sale catolog click below!
Dam to Lot# 4448 Tag# 710
Weaning Ratio: 9@107
Dam to Lot # 4406 Tag# 301
Weaning Ratio: 3 @102
To see more of our bulls along with their mothers click below!