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Membership Levels

Membership Levels

♦As a Guest member you will be able to post on the forum, bid on the online auctions and view the content of the site.

♦With Stockmansblog membership you’ll receive the following

  1. Membership in our directory
  2. Farm Bio page and blog (Look at membership directory for examples)
  3. Free use of the classified ad section.
  4. Commission free Stockmansblog Auction consigning. Commission free is worth repeating. It’s what we mean. Your always welcome to consign to one of our scheduled auctions or if you have enough items to consign to make it worthwhile, we’ll put an exclusive auction together for you. As always advertising your auction to our email list is free. If you’d like to explore other digital advertising options email us or give us a call and we’ll suggest what we have found to be effective for us. Click here to see results from our latest auction
  5. Within reason, unlimited access to our email blasts. In other words if you have something you’d like to us to shout out to our email list for you just let us know.
